Some people take time to get in the "zone". Others take no time. But even fewer are always living in the moment. These people are typically the most successful.
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Do yourself a favor, become your own savior.
Recording your own records may seem attractive there are many drawbacks and pitfalls you're likely to fall into.
Read MoreThe egg came first.
"...eventually good writing is hard to avoid. This constant writing would involve journaling, stream of consciousness(or free) writing, writing with purpose, and making lists or editing. I find it to be a great way of staying in touch with what your mind is doing at all times of the day. It can also be a great way of getting burned out."
Read MoreAnd this is how it begins
There's a lot of information out there on how to write and produce music, which programs to use, how to use them, and how to abuse them. This is give my $0.02 toward this worldwide conversation.
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